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  • in reply to: Kal sarpa dosha and Gaj kesari yoga #3759

    To have Gaj kesari yoga which is good to have one in our horoscope which will bring you lot of luck , you must have jupiter placed in quadrants from the moon and in your case though it is there, it has only 7% strength which is as good as not there. And Kalasarpayoga is sandwiching of all planets between Rahu and Kethu and it is only a myth in astrology and does not have any scientific basis. As per the myth it is there, but there is an exception that the Ascendant also should within the arc, which is not there in your horoscope. So do not worry about it at all. Read my articles on this site or on

    in reply to: will my marriage continue or end in a divorce #3757

    The period 2014 to 2016 is very bad for you and if you can survive the marriage in between, you will come out successful. Your Saturn is quite weak in your horoscope. Recite Narayanakavacham many times a day during this time.

    in reply to: Regarding Marriage when will i marry #3754

    Your horoscope has a weak net Residential strength of planets with 37.20% only as given below.

    Planet Residential Strength

    Sun 53.06
    Moon 10.40
    Mars 94.54
    Mercury 72.06
    Jupiter 38.67
    Venus 21.17
    Saturn 38.74
    Rahu 3.08
    Kethu 3.08

    I presume you should get married in Oct 2014 to Sept 2015 though there can be hindrances due to the poor strength of Saturn. Let us wait and see.

    in reply to: Guru Dasha Remedies #3750

    Dear Veda,

    You have a rather poor horoscope and except for Moon and Saturn all other planets are malefic and your the strength of your mental happiness is rather too low. Recite Narayanakavacham many times during the day whenever you feel depressed and learn it by heart. You will find lot of improvement by then.
    Read my articles on this site and

    in reply to: I Want To Know about my Marriage #3749

    Dear Madhu,

    You will get married by the end of this year or early in 2015. But be careful that you should match the horoscopes well as otherwise you could have lot of problems in marriage since your Jupiter is malefic. Read my articles on this site.

    in reply to: when will I get a promotion in my present job #3735

    When you know the reason for a problem, it is half solved and by perseverance you can improve upon it. Do your own introspection and find out what is lacking and try to develop it to your maximum. Without adequate background knowledge, I could offer no advice in this regard.

    Best of luck.

    in reply to: when will I get a promotion in my present job #3723

    Your career house is not very potent to warrant a rapid promotion as per your horoscope and that is why you are not getting any recognition at office. If you are keen on a full analysis of your horoscope come through Premium services. Your horoscope is reasonably strong except for the career house and house of luck both of which has below average strengths.

    in reply to: Any chances of Second Marriage as per my Horoscope #3722

    Why do you ask such a question? Give the reasons thereof. Read “Definitions in Astrology” on my blog

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