Things To Remove From Home During Navratri

Things To Remove From Home During Navratri

Things To Remove From Home During Navratri

Navratri is a significant Hindu festival that spans nine nights and ten days, dedicated to the worship of the goddess Durga and her various forms. It is a time of purification, reflection, and celebration. Many people observe various customs and traditions during this period, including fasting, prayer, and various rituals. One common practice during Navratri is the removal of certain items from the home, as a symbol of cleansing and preparation for the festive season. In this article, we will discuss the things that are traditionally removed from homes during Navratri and the significance behind this practice.

Things To Remove From Home During Navratri

Non-Vegetarian Food: One of the most common practices during Navratri is abstaining from non-vegetarian food. This is because many people observe a strict vegetarian diet during this time to purify their bodies and minds. The idea is to avoid consuming meat, fish, and eggs to maintain a sattvic (pure) diet and show respect for all life forms.

Alcohol and Tobacco: Many individuals choose to give up alcohol and tobacco during Navratri. These substances are considered impure and harmful, and abstaining from them during this period is seen as a way to detoxify the body and mind. It also demonstrates self-discipline and self-control.

Onion and Garlic: In some regions, especially among the Brahmin community, onions and garlic are considered tamasic (impure) foods. During Navratri, these ingredients are often avoided to maintain a sattvic diet. This practice varies from family to family, although some people may choose to include them in their meals, it is better if you ignore it for spiritual awakening.

Grains: Some people observe a strict fast during Navratri, which includes avoiding grains such as wheat, rice, and lentils. Instead, they consume special fasting foods like sago, water chestnut flour, and fruits. The fasting period is a way to detoxify the body and cleanse the digestive system.

Broken or Unused Items: Navratri is an ideal time for decluttering and cleaning one’s home. Many people take this opportunity to get rid of broken or unused items, creating a more organized and positive living space. This practice is also a symbolic way of removing negativity and inviting positivity into the home. Take the opportunity to remove religious images or idols that are broken or damaged.

Old Clothes and Belongings: Another common practice during Navratri is to give away old clothes and belongings to those in need. This act of charity not only helps others but also symbolizes letting go of the past and embracing a new, more positive future.

Negative Energy: Beyond material items, Navratri is a time for inner purification. People often focus on removing negative thoughts, emotions, and energy from their lives. Meditation, prayer, and self-reflection are essential components of this process, allowing individuals to attain a more peaceful and balanced state of mind.

Dust and Dirt: Cleaning the house thoroughly during Navratri is a way of getting rid of physical impurities. Dust and dirt can accumulate in various corners of the home, and their removal symbolizes cleansing and renewal. A clean home is believed to attract positive energy and prosperity.

Electronic Distractions: In the modern age, electronic devices like smartphones and televisions can be a source of distraction and negativity. Some individuals choose to limit their use of these devices during Navratri, creating a more serene and mindful environment in their homes.

Clutter and Excess: The removal of clutter and excess items is a common theme during Navratri. Excessive possessions can create chaos and confusion, and letting go of unnecessary belongings fosters a more organized and harmonious living space.

Unhealthy Habits: This is an ideal time to break free from unhealthy habits such as overeating, laziness, or excessive screen time. People focus on self-improvement and well-being during Navratri, striving to adopt healthier lifestyles.

The significance of removing these items during Navratri lies in the idea of purification, renewal, and inviting positive energy into one’s life. It is not merely a physical act but also a spiritual and mental one. By letting go of impurities and distractions, individuals seek to create a more conducive environment for spiritual growth and self-improvement.

In conclusion, the removal of specific items from the home during Navratri is a symbolic and practical way of preparing for the festival. It represents a commitment to purity, self-discipline, and a more mindful way of living. While the specific items and practices may vary from person to person, the overarching goal is to create a harmonious and positive atmosphere in the home, aligning with the spiritual essence of Navratri.

These are my list of Things To Remove From Home During Navratri. If you feel I have missed out any item, then please write in the comment below. 

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