Child’s health issues

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    • #117620 Reply

      My son suffers from health issues very often, I’m the mother of the child and I have rahu with retrograde mars in fifth house.

      Is it happening because of my rahu in 5th house? Here’s my birth details

      Dob 4 March 1997

      Pob-Rampur hat, West Bengal

      Tob- 10.29am

    • #117625 Reply

      If you have the birth details of your son, do give it. Yes, you have also a problematic horoscope with 7 weak planets in your charts.

    • #134339 Reply


      You are still young. So, I presume your son is still an infant. It is said that children live
      As per Hindu Shastras/Dharma, it is said that a child bears the fruit of each parent’s karma, in the initial/formative years of it’s life. Incidentally, your birth-chart has some indications with afflictions to the 5th house of procreation and 5th lord Mercury/Budha.

      Take care…

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