Query about carrer

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    • #138697 Reply

      Date of birth-08 Feb 1999 time of birth-06:15 am place-sultanpur uttar pradesh sir which carrer feild is best for me plz reply????

    • #138698 Reply

      Is your father in a government service where he is at a management post and has to make independent decisions at very short notice, especially during critical times and was unable to be there during your growing up even though he gave up the job in between, And due to this you had a very rough childhood, the house where you lived was incomplete and located at a very challenging area where things were not readily available. Your mother worked very hard to raise you and also you started working to help at home very early in life. Getting treatment from your mother of not cleaning of house properly was not a new thing for you. However, things got better as you grew up.

      Please reply and I will answer your query if the predictions are right.

    • #138706 Reply

      Yes my father is in government job but left job and start own business yes it’s true I suffer a lot in childhood both mentally and financially and yes my mother work very hard I want to know about which kind of carrer field is best for me yes sir your prediction is right

    • #138711 Reply

      You are very good at handling the financial aspect of any project and you love money also, so a career related to that will be very good for you. Especially in public resources/ money management where money will be related to the health sector, also you should try home interior design, where you can show your design talent to everyone. Though you should do anything in a partnership, you also must have observed that you have spent a lot of money on people but in the end, have got emotionally hurt by them.

      Have you started to invest in stocks thinking for the long term related to fashion brands, and also gained money from it, and you have even started to advise others regarding financial matters? After earning must have spent it on getting your old broken basic vehicle treated and for having some repairs in your home. And also on getting some kind of machine for your mother’s health kind of massager ( exactly 1 year before).

      Your father had health issues and was emotionally disturbed because of problems being created in his business by the authorities related to debt issues / or not having proper signatures and documentation. Due to this, he faced trouble related to his reputation in his work.

      Please reply if above also right

    • #138713 Reply

      That’s true about mother and father health regarding and other things also right now i am going through tough phase when will i am able to settle down in my carrer already face lot of problems plz provide any solution as i am worried about that

    • #138720 Reply

      Don’t worry everything going to be fine after June you will get work, start some new work independently, and you will also plan to do something but will drop it in between related to doing a work-related course,  though you will start some kind of business and because of online advice you will try to expand and do a partnership in work and get cheated and also a lot of emotional turbulence. Try to have some restraint.

      Start to work out, pray to Maa Kali, feed birds with small bites of roti if possible wheat, and early in the morning start to pranayam. Otherwise severe health troubles with start in 2nd half of your life, also a lot of times in your life you will come across near-death animals help them. And try to visit Shakti’s peeth regularly. Also, give water to the sun using red chilli white seeds-43 everyday morning around the same time. And always add Ganga jal in your bathing water every day without skipping, a small amount will. Also, try to drink magnetic water on Sunday and watch the video on YouTube.

    • #138722 Reply

      Thanks a lot sir for your valuable guidance I will definitely do it

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