Job issues and finances

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    • #147947 Reply

      Dear Members

      I studied what I like, in the best of university. Later got into best placement for the year, the best organization  I though I would be in. But got kicked out of the job. This was in the year 2012. Later joined a job with almost 60% pay cut. Confidence drained all together. After being there for 2 yes, I have changed some 10 jobs later. Getting into best positions and later getting drowned in politics and either getting kicked out or me leaving the job. I slog and later once the product is well built, I get pushed out. I lost hope on jobs.

      I got married 7 years ago and have a kid and I am 38 years of age. Zero savings.  All the horoscope predictions in the  world told me I will have the best year as per career but I am sitting jobless with low entu levels.

      2023 was a trying year for me with zero peace. It drained out everything in me. Especially in 2021 I managed to crack a big multi crore deal for a company. The company promised me better position. But once the project came in I was cornered and was thrown out of the office in matter of half an hour. Last year I joined a person who likes my work and we both have good work understanding. Now we don’t like each other. He ensured I complete all work and he later ended my contract.

      Next year my sade sati will start and there is one phase when Rahu and Shani will be on position. These two things are scaring the hell out of me. Secondly I am going crazy with stress and lack of job  currently. Also my love marriage has been having troubles in marriage from initial days it self. Some say Mahadasha is an problem, Some say I am a king as per this year’s horoscope(with 0 in my account – Laughs)

      I want to know when can I get out of these troubles and have a stable career which can earn me some money to save. What should I do ?

      Seeking desperate clarity please.

    • #148024 Reply

      Sanjay ji.

      For Free analysis of your chart please copy paste and send above details to my email, I will reply you in 2-3 days after getting mail from you. [email protected]


      • #148047 Reply

        Thank You Mr Sharma. Mailed as suggested.

    • #148149 Reply


      I’m responding to your request in the other thread. Just so you are aware, I had looked up your query previously and realized you’ve not shared your birth-details – something that is quint essential to cast a birth-chart. Kindly consider sharing the same.

      Take care…

      • #148216 Reply

        Dear Buddy

        Thanks for you kind response. Apologies for missing the birth details. I just realized. Below are the same

        • DoB: 23 December 1985
        • Place: Parvathipuram (AP)
        • Time: 7:30 pm
        • Mesha Rasi, Krithika Nakshtram, 1St Padam.

        Please do let me know if there is any additional information that is required.

        Looking forward for your reading and thanks a lot for this.




    • #148241 Reply


      I’ve had a chance to cast your birth-chart and observe planetary positions, along with disposition. The few things that seem to stand out to me are listed below:

      1. Yogakaraka Mars/Kuja, ruling 5th & 10th house is placed in the 4th house of Homely Comforts. He is in very close conjunction with Ketu and seem to be preoccupied in planetary war or Graha-Yudha, while being posited in the Lunar constellation of Swati Nakshatra, ruled by sworn enemy and current Maha-Dasha lord Rahu… who is not really a benefic.

      2. Incidentally, Rahu is placed in the 10th house of Karma-Sthana and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Ashwini Nakshatra, ruled by Ketu. So, Rahu Maha-Dasha has activated both his Rashi depositor Mars/Kuja and Nakshatra depositor Ketu – remember Rahu-Ketu are in Sukshma Parivarthana, at Nakshatra level. They are  complimenting / completing each other, to become formidable.

      3. Venus/Shukra is a Badha-Karaka for the birth-chart. He is placed close to Gandanta degrees… more importantly in the 6th house of Service. He is not really happy or comfortable being placed there and will be detrimental for related significance. So, I’m forced to wonder if you’ve given a thought to the possibility of working for yourself (running a business, being a consultant etc.)

      4. It also looks like you have anger problems are perhaps react instinctively by nature… something that may not be tolerated.

      5. In general, there is a strong foot-print of the Lunar Nodes and an undeniable influence in the unfolding of Karma in your life… including love marriage (in the midst of Rahu Maha-Dasha).

      Given the situation, it would make sense for you to consider propitiating Rahu-Ketu at the bare minimum.

      Take care…

    • #148275 Reply

      Dear Buddy

      Thanks a lot. Every point is very relatable and spot on.

      To respond to point 3. Yes I have currently decided to be an independent consultant and slowly built my work portfolio as I am tired of regular jobs. But I fear the uncertainty it carries by nature. Considering the start of Sade Sati next year, I am even more worried if it will be right decision and is not allowing me to take the bold plunge to be a Consultant. Kindly advice if it is good to be a consultant as per the reading. I will be very happy to slog as a consultant than in a job.

      This is actually what I wanted to know also but I generically mentioned it as career in my question. Somehow you actually brought me being a consultant into this discussion with lot more clarity. Waiting for your advice. Will be grateful.

      4. Yes anger problems are much. A lot tonned down recently. But still it exists and I regularly implode. That adds a lot of strain on my head and mental health. Planning to exercise to channel my anger.

      I did a graha shanti Pooja last month. I will also consider pleasing Rahul &  Ketu as suggested immediately.


      In anticipation


    • #148276 Reply

      Also throw some light on how Sade Sati might impact my career (being a consultant) and earnings.

    • #148290 Reply


      Moon/Chandra in your birth-chart is Chara Atmakaraka and posited in the Lunar Constellation of Kritika Nakshatra, ruled by Sun/Ravi. He is closer to Taurus/Vrishaba Rashi and hence the effect of Sade-Sathi will probably start a bit later. Saturn/Shani-dev as Karma-Karaka will make you work hard (which I think is essential) and bring about some much needed discipline. I also think this will be the time when you’ll mature and transform into a professional.

      As called out earlier, I’m inclined to think you’ll do better as a consultant, while working for yourself or running your own business – for Jupiter/Guru-dev is placed in the 7th house (a Kendra), even though it happens to be his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation.

      Lastly, please consider practicing Yogasana/Pranayama/Meditation, on a daily basis. Taking good care of your mother and being grateful to Mother Earth will help.

      Take care…

      • #148328 Reply

        Thanks a lot for your kind support and clear explanation. I am starting to realize the need of Pranayam. I will follow as suggested. Once again a big thanks. This will really help me a lot.


      • #148329 Reply

        Thanks a lot for your kind support and clear explanation. I am starting to realize the need of Pranayam. I will follow as suggested. Once again a big thanks. This will really help me a lot.


    • #148331 Reply


      There is absolutely no need to thank me… will be happy to hear things change for good/better. If anything I’ve shared has helped in any way, kindly consider contributing a penny in a donation box, to clear out any inherent Karmic residue between us.

      Take care…

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