WILL I GET MY DESIRED GOVT JOB i.e. Indian Foreign Service

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    • #148220 Reply

      23 OCT 2001, 06:10 AM , THANE MAHARASTRA birth place .

      I would like to know about will i get govt jobs , currently I am  preparing for SSC CGL , RBI grade b , and will start preparing for UPSC in 2025 onwards .
      I am going to appear for SSC CGL and RBI exams this year itself .I started preparing seriously from AUGUST 2023 since I also gave 2-3 exams in 2023 but i just started preparation i didn’t cleared 2nd stage of any after OCT 2023 i didn’t gave any exams then AND i will appear in 2024 SEP-OCT . ULTIMATELY IN END I want to be IFS OFFICER but my mother and brother insisted me to prepare for other exams first to get THE LOW HANGING FRUITS FIRST so i prepared well for these exams and I will start preparing for UPSC CSE from 2025 onwards …some time things comes my mind will i get these all things that I am preparing for ? and will i get to become IFS OFFICER IN THE END ?

      I just graduated in 2023 i did btech in engineering . I DON’T KNOW WHY BUT I WANT TO BE ALL AND WANT TO CLEAR ALL EXAMINATIONS



    • #148251 Reply


      Although you seem an intelligent youngster, in my humble opinion neither the time period of Uccha or exalted Mars/Kuja Maha-Dasha ruling 3rd & 8th houses (as per Vimsottari Dasha system – until June 2029)… nor planetary positions (starting with Sun/Ravi, the Karaka of Elevated/Executive positions, being placed in his Neecha-Sthana or sign of debilitation) are indicative of success in your stated aspiration. So, kindly consider validating periodically and recalibrating your aspirations/goals.

      Take care…

      • #148308 Reply
        Purvi yadav

        I get to know from some people that the sun and venus deliberation is got cancelled by some name of yog named as neech bhang yog.. So would there be any hope .

        And i would also be delighted if you can put light on how my future would be like regarding career, money accumulation and income wise.

        And would you please put more light on Mars mahadasha since I’m going through one and it is in major part of my youth as you are saying.. Since it is my maraka planet but I’m not seeing drastic hurdles in my overall life.. I want to know where this is effecting in my overall life .

        I am just very much curious about my future.. Even though I’m trying my best to make one.

    • #148311 Reply


      Please check with those people (whoever is telling you) how Sun/Ravi gets Neecha-Banga. I’d love to learn and understand things that I’m unaware of.

      That said, I’ve highlighted the inherent intelligence and presence of a couple of good Dhana Yogas, in the birth-chart.

      Take care…

      • #148322 Reply

        they said

        • for VENUS -(1) since it is in house whose rashi lord is mercury and mercury is itself in the own house and exhaulted so venus neech bhanga (2) the (mercury)rashi lord of the house in which venus is placed  is  also in kendra from moon
        • for SUN – (1)the rashi lord of 2nd house of my kundli is venus and venus is in kendra from moon. (2) is the venus where it is placed its lord is exhaulted .

        these reasons i got and i also got told that mars and moon is markesh some what is sun is too and jupiter is conditional maarkesh

    • #148312 Reply


      And, Mars/Kuja is not a Maraka for the birth-chart… again something I’d like to know what I might be missing. The on-going Maha-Dasha itself should be a bit trying/testing and challenging.

      Take care…

      • #148324 Reply

        did you used my birth place many forgets and only write maharastra only do they get my wrong lagna and rashi too …. im just asking if this got happened cuz moon and mars are indeed my markesh that too mars is my prabal maraka


        thankyou for giving your time .

    • #148330 Reply


      Mars/Kaju becomes a Maraka Graha… from placement of Moon/Chandra. In my humble opinion, there is no need for you to worry about it, right now.

      Take care…

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