Check Gandmool Dosha in Horoscope – Check Sataisa

gandmool dosha

In Vedic astrology we have 27 Nakshatras and these are divided in 3 groups of 9 Nakshatras each. When the beginning of one group meets the end of another group, it is called Gandmool. There are 6 Gandmool Nakshatras which are ruled by Mercury and Ketu. These Gandmool Nakshatras are Ashwani, Ashlesha, Jyestha, Madha, Moola and Revati. Therefore if any child is born in these nakshatras, he/she is known to be a gandmool child. It is also said that there is a Gandmool dosha.

Children born in these nakshatras face various obstacles in life and therefore a puja is necessary for children born under these nakshatras. This puja for removal of the dosha is called the Gandmool Puja. In people know it as sataisa. This puja is done on the 27th day from the date of Birth.

It is considered that the children born under the Nakshatra Mool, Ashlesha and Jyestha are more inauspicious and likely to give much worse effects.

Below you can use the Gandmool Software to check if the native is born under the Gandmool Nakshatra and know if there is any Gandmool Dosha. If there is Gandmool dosha then it it important to do the Gandmool Puja to reduce obstacles in natives life.



213 thoughts on “Check Gandmool Dosha in Horoscope – Check Sataisa

  1. Sir ,
    My son is born on 3rd June,1996 at 02.59 PM in Sirsa city of Haryana. Is there any Gand Mool dosh in his kundli or not. If yes then please remedies.

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