About higher studies and abroad

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  • Author
    • #75190 Reply
      Chandni Sharma

      Birth date: Oct 1,1999
      Time: 12:30 PM
      Place: Kathmandu, Nepal
      Which fields are good for me for my undergraduate level? Also how will my higher studies be? How can I make it better?
      Could you also tell if abroad life is better or birthplace?

    • #75361 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      As Mercury rules the 10th house of finance, education related to IT, finance and banking suits you. Rahu mahadasha and Moon antardasha is going on. Doing the remedies of Rahu and Moon will truly help.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #75371 Reply
      Chandni Sharma

      Well but Sun is also present in 10th house so priority goes for Sun maybe? What is your say on this?

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