Can i become a millionaire

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    • #119373 Reply

      Can i become millionaire and in my horoscope i have 4 planets moon mars mercury and venus in puskar navamsa

      DOB: 9TH DECEMBER 1992

      TIME : 2:16 PM


    • #119378 Reply

      When you work for ₹100, your returns will only be worth ₹79 which is not indicative of your chances of becoming a millionaire. If you wish to have a scientific horoscope evaluation of your horoscope, you can come through Paid consultation. Please read my profile.

    • #119454 Reply


      To determine wealth in a horoscope we need to check 2nd house. In your chart the lord of the 2nd house is Mars and Mars is in Karka rashi and is retrograde. The classic texts have revealed that a debilitated Mars does give you wealth. However the retrogression adds a bit of complication to it. You will create wealth though because your Mars is Vargottama. A debilitated vargottama Mars will help you create health. The only challenge is the retrograde aspect, which needs more research.

      You need to bring in 5th house elements in your wealth generation activities. 5th house is of creativity and speculation. So if you are in these fields there is a higher chance of creating wealth. Also, Mars aspects your 11th house, 8th house and 12th house. So if I were to combine all these aspects: If you are in a creative world or in the world of speculative business (5th house)that require a lot of deep research (8th house), are associated with large organizations (11th house) that are based in foreign countries (12th house), then the wealth generation is possible.

      Just remember that you are currently going through Rahu MD, and Rahu does support all things creative and speculative.


      I will have to do more research to give you more detailed answer

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