Change in Job

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  • Author
    • #139447 Reply
      Renuka Menon

      Dear Sir

      I am settled in Dubai and was working since 2013 but I had to resign from my previous job in Dec 2022.Since then I was looking out for a job but nothing is working out.Can you please check and advise when will I get a job.

      My Dob 17.08.1982

      time 2.10 pm

      Place Kochi, Kerala, India


      Thank you


    • #139459 Reply
      Renuka Menon


      Can you please provide a reply as I am in a depressed situation now.

      Thank you



    • #139462 Reply

      You will get a good job on or around end August 2024. You can come for a full paid evaluation of your horoscope for more details.

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