sir i want to match my kundli with my partner’s kundli details are given below:-
MY DOB is 27th June 1990 ,Time 11:30 PM ,birth PLACE Shimla (Himachal Pradesh)
Boy DOB Details … 2nd July 1989, Time 3:15 PM,birth place Una (Himachal Pradesh)
Mangal dosha or Mangalik is always chechked from Natal as well as Moon chart. Therefore looking at your horoscopes we see that you have Mars in the 2nd house of natal and the 8th house of Moon. It means that you are not manglik from natal but mangalik from Moon. 8th house mangal dosha is also called Ashtam manglik and is a strong mangal dosha.
thank you sir
but sir i want to marry a guy his details are below
Boy Birth details 2nd july 1989, 3:15 PM, Place una (Himachal pradesh)
sir plz Help me
The Ashtkoot guna milan between you both is 19.5 which is little above 18 that is minimum for marriage. There is Madhya Nadi dosha. Madhya Nadi dosha is a strong Nadi dosha and marriage is not recommended when there is Madhya Nadi dosha. Also the boy is not manglik while you are strong manglik. Also the 7th house of the Boys horoscope is weak and marital happiness is not really promised in his horoscope.