Government Employment

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by k.umamaheswara rao.
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  • Author
    • #16603 Reply
      Sailesh Bombhore

      Will i get into government service
      D.O.B : 18 MARCH 1993
      TIME : 10:00 PM

    • #16606 Reply
      k.umamaheswara rao

      Your lagna is Tula.
      Your lagna is vacant.
      Second house contains rahu.It is very bad.
      But Sani is seeing your rahu.
      As Sani is in own house in 5th house,
      Sani is removing much of the maleficence (
      badness) of Rahu.
      Moon is very well placed in 4th house.
      Your horoscope is strong.
      You can get govt job.You can earn well in
      any job.
      But Rahu will not allow you to enjoy benefits
      so easily.
      You are only 23yrs old.You can wait a few
      Do penance(tapas)for one year.
      [email protected]

    • #16621 Reply
      Sailesh Bombhore

      Whether i get Job in Foreign Countries

    • #16622 Reply

      Astrology treats the whole earth as one unit and the concept of countries is man made and God has not endorsed it. So the word foreign is not there in astrology. There can be only long distance travels the concept of which changes from bullock cart days to supersonic planes. So your question is irrelevant in answering astrological queries. Yes you can have a career to earn your living and there ends the matter. The success or failure in career can be ascertained using astrology. Read for more details.

    • #16629 Reply
      k.umamaheswara rao

      Whether you are in a foreign country or in India,your prospects will depend on
      your horoscope.Rahu will not allow you to prosper even you put in maximum
      time and energy on your job.
      It is better for you to do penance for 2 years,to improve the quality of life.
      Rahu dasa and Guru dasa will not allow you to prosper.
      Because your horoscope is strong,you can have basic needs.
      Dont expect that you will get monetary gains by going to a foreign
      The following is the method of doing tapas.
      1.Daily have 4 baths with cold water.
      In winter(when the climate is very cool,you can take
      daily 4baths with warm water).
      2.Avoid milk products,sweets,nonveg,fish,eggs,alcohols.
      You can eat ordinary meals and tiffins.
      You have to eat 30gms of raddish,10gms of
      ginger and 30 leaves of coriander and 20
      leaves pudina.
      Uncooked vegetables and uncooked green leaves
      contain divinity.
      3.Daily make 10 rolling namaskars on floor.
      4.Stand like a cow on four feet for 2 mins and
      chant Om Namah sivaya. for two mins.
      Take rest for 3mins.
      Then again do this for two mins.
      If you like some other mantra,you can do the same.
      Do like this 4 times,giving rest for 3mins
      after every two mins.
      You cant stand like a cow for more than two mins.
      5.Observe fasting on every Saturday.
      You can eat unlimited quantity of uncooked
      vegetables ,on the day of fasting.
      [email protected]

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