You are in the Mahadasha of Sun which is the 8th house lord, means that it is the most malefic planet in your horoscope and in the antardasha of Rahu. Sun is debilitated in your horoscope. Thereafter you will be in the antardasha of Jupiter , which is the 12th house lord.the period till March 2016 is not good on the health front, therefore precaution and care should be taken. If required a doctors advice should be taken and not ignored. Possibility of surgery can be there later in the year. You could have problems related to gastric, cholesterol, stone, stomach related problems during this period. Doing the remedies will help you from your sufferings and control the malefic planetary influences.
1. Recite Rahu Mantra “Om Brim Rahave Namaha ” 108 times daily
2. Doing the Surya Namaskar daily in the morning.
3. Reciting the Surya Mantra
Navneet Khanna