married life

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    • #20462 Reply

      Dear navneet ji,
      My details are 25.06.80 time 3:15am place :kolkata.
      Kindly see if my marrige life is smooth or do i have any divorce or possibility of separation.also if i have a relation will it succeed or chances of break up.

    • #20469 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      In your horoscope we see that the 7th house is ruled by Mars as Scorpio sign is there. Mars is conjoined with Saturn in the 4th house and also conjoined is Jupiter which is the functional malefic planet in your horoscope. Rahu in the 3rd house aspects the 7th house, your 7th house and 7th lord is weak and marriage should be considered after proper matching of the horoscopes else possibility of separation is certainly there. Not a strong horoscope for love marriage.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #20482 Reply

      But sir i am already married but in a relation as well.kindly say if the current relation shall materialise

    • #20483 Reply
      K.Umamaheswara rao

      You wrote that you are already married and you are in relation with someone else.
      You asked a question whether it will materialise.
      Materialise into what?
      Generally unmarried people ask such a question whether their love will
      materialise into marriage.
      You are already married.How can you marry this recent lover?
      Please clearly write what you want.

    • #20484 Reply

      I asked if i have any chances of divorce or 2nd marriage with my current gf.whether my current relation with the lady shall take shape or shall i have to remain with wife

    • #20489 Reply

      It is really pathetic that this site is being used by immoral people to satisfy their carnal desires. Such stupid questions should be deleted from the site immediately on posting by the moderators. And many of the people are asking the same question till they receive the expected answers from someone. I think the site should be converted to a ‘paid consultation only’ site with immediate effect so that the questioners will only approach us only when really needed. Navaneet ji to take note of it.

    • #20511 Reply
      Manali chatterjee

      This sounds really pathetic.i m sorry to comment though yet…some people are badly struggling to restore their marriage and some people like you are so unethical to keep mistress apart from fact those woman who break families being a mistress are also sinners..really society should abondon it d infiltration of d western culture or as said above that only to fulfill desire that u get involved in such henious activity.dont u feel the pain f d woman who left her house to be with u for d rest of her life?i dont think your upbringinghad been good coz if that was u would have openly asked this sort of question.this shows u r not at all ashamed of wht u are doing.i dont think u need astrological help.better c a psychiatrist who can help u…cheater.!!!

    • #20517 Reply

      You are absolutely right in your observation.

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