retrograde debiltated lagna lord

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by TMR.
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    • #39414 Reply

      my dob 21sep 1973 pob trivandrum kerala tob 12.10pm in my chart jupiter is retrograde and debiltated in second house capricron will it make my chart weak snice jupiter is lagna lord kindlly answer?

    • #39419 Reply

      Your horoscope is deplorably poor with the following planetary strengths and nature.
      Planet Net-Strength Nature

      Sun 71.09 Malefic
      Moon 64.34 Benefic
      Mars 2.92 Malefic
      Mercury 15.84 Benefic
      Jupiter 27.61 Malefic
      Venus 2.63 Malefic
      Saturn 31.21 Malefic
      Rahu 21.37 Malefic
      Kethu 20.55 Benefic

      Net 28.79 Malefic

      And correspondingly the houses are all very weak. The house of luck is slightly better in comparison. The net strength of all houses put together is 34.47% and that is your success factor in life.

      Should you be interested in further detail you can come through Paid Consultation after reading my blog Navagraha Astrology Online

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