second marriage

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  • Author
    • #60561
      Anitha Raj


      Is there any yoga for second marriage in my horoscope? I am having a lots of problems in my married life. I would like to get a divorce.

      Name: Anitha
      5th Sept 1977
      TOB: 6:57 AM
      trivandrum, kerala

    • #60565

      Your 7th house is deplorably weak in your horoscope and marital happiness is absent in your life. There is little point in thinking about a divorce or second marriage. You will be quite rich and intelligent and you should use it for spiritual enlightenment which will lead you to salvation. You can read my blog to get the logic of my evaluation.

    • #60569
      Anitha Raj

      That means there is no second marriage yoga? Or no need to think about second marriage. My child hood friend would like to marry me

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