Why stuck at current level in my biz

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    • #52433 Reply

      My date of birth 2 nov 1955
      Time of birth morning 6.30 am
      Place of birth Mulund mumbai

      I m not able to grow beyond my current level in my business

      Pl suggest

      Indar rajani

    • #52436 Reply

      Growth stagnates after a certain age and that is what is happening to you. You may find a downward curve soon. Nothing to be of afraid of it. It is the law of nature.

    • #52457 Reply
      K.Umamaheswara rao

      You are 63 years old.
      Dont you know that many people go down steeply in their life.
      You are lucky that you did not go down.
      If you want to get over blocks in your luck,you
      have to do penance for 2years
      see in google-kumrao99 penance method.
      [email protected]

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