will marriage work

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    • #75435 Reply

      I am getting married and it is an arranged marriage, but I don’t like the guy but for the sake of family am getting married, so I wanted to know will my marriage work? we are getting 26/36 in horoscope matching.

      dob : 24th July 1987
      time : 21.49 pm
      place: Mangalore

      dob: 20th March 1982
      time : 15.27pm
      place: Mangalore

    • #75447 Reply
      K.Umamaheswara rao

      Your marriage is already fixed by your parents.
      Your parents might be trying to get you married
      for the last many years.
      Now you want to stop the marriage ,with the help of
      It appears that your parents also did horoscpe
      You wrote that you got 26/36 points.
      If you have any other boy in your thinking,
      tell your parents and get yourself married.
      When marriage is already fixed,
      why do you want to thwart the marriage.
      Further deep probe of your horoscopes is
      not good.
      Your parents rightly thought
      that 26/36 is sufficient,as other factors
      like property,job and beauty are satisfactory.
      [email protected]

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