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    Who told you that not yet having children is due to Manglik horoscopes? It is to be analysed by looking at the fifth house of a person’s horoscope. Manglik is a term used frequently by Astrologers to frighten the public. In fact most mangliks do not have in real sense this dosha. That is because there are more exceptions than rules. In your case you are really a Manglik.

    Your fifth house which signifies happiness arising out of children is below average with a strength of 31.95% and your marital happiness house the 7th has a strength of only 30.23%. That is the reason for your infertility. At the age of 37+, and having no medical reasons for that, God only can help you and invoking that is not in the domain of Astrologers but within yourselves only. Read my articles on Remedies in

    If you need a detailed analysis of your horoscope, you can contact me.

    in reply to: Saturn Mahadasa #1774

    Timing using Dasa alone is meaningless. In each of our breaths, all the planets are acting in tandem and even in Saturn Dasa, other planets will be co-acting as lords of antardasa, Paryanthardasas, Sookshmanthardasas and Dehanthardasas etc.

    It will be foolish on the part of the Astrologer to say how your Saturn dasa will be for the long stretch of 19 years of its dasa. I think you should go for a detailed analysis.

    You cannot expect a one word answer to the question you have raised. Do read my articles on

    in reply to: When Will I Get A Job? #1773

    No specific answer could be given to the question which you have raised. Your career house has a potency of 75.59% which means your job satisfaction and success factor in your job is to that extent. I presume that with the onset of Saturn’s sub period in your running Venus period, you will have better times. It has already started on 8 Feb 2014 and perhaps in about a couple of months, you will have a proper job. For a complete analysis of your horoscope, you can come through our Premium services after about a couple of weeks.

    in reply to: About my present financial and martial status #1765

    When you put in 10.11 units of work, your return will only be conforming to 6.95 units of work done. In other words your returns will be much less than the amount of work you put in. You can substitute the word ‘work’ with ‘Rupees’ if you do not understand what I mean. Also you will have a little bit of wasteful expenditure too. When you spend 6.5 units of money, what you get in return will only be worth 6.03 units.

    Marriage could take place around the middle of 2016.

    in reply to: gun milan check #1764

    The two horoscopes match with an Outstanding grading with approximately 98% compatibility between the horoscopes. There are no Doshas at all.

    Best of Luck.

    in reply to: Is there Gaja Kesari Yoga in my horoscope #1762

    For Repeat questions you will have to come through Paid services/Premium services.

    in reply to: Marriage Time – when will I get married #1758

    Your marital bliss as per the time given above is only 24.58%.

    7 Marital Happiness, Small Intestine, Liver 24.58

    The net strength of the horoscope is also not very good with 22.97%. This is primarily due to

    Planet Good % Bad% Nature

    Sun 12.37 83.58 Malefic
    Moon 5.98 90.95 Malefic
    Mars 36.52 63.47 Malefic
    Mercury 66.73 32.70 Benefic
    Jupiter 17.88 77.32 Malefic
    Venus 15.68 80.78 Malefic
    Saturn 33.53 29.35 Benefic
    Rahu 36.52 63.47 Malefic
    Kethu 15.68 80.78 Malefic

    Only Mercury and Saturn are benefics. You have a look at the Good/Bad ratio which is not encouraging.

    Recite Narayanakavacham daily 3 times in the morning and before bedtime for 108 days and we will see what happens! What is the use of getting married if you can’t have a good marital life?

    Are you certain that the time of birth is correct? If not, you can have hopes of a marriage. Astrology cannot be relied on if the time of birth is not accurate.

    So, this is not the final word. It is only an evaluation based on the given time.

    in reply to: I want to know if my horoscope matching with my boyfriend #1752

    Two horoscopes have to be evaluated and matched for finding out whether they are compatible or not. It is some heavy work and you should come through Paid services for getting a serious answer like that. Read my articles on this site “Astrology – A new version” in the opening page under the main menu “Astrology”.

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