please help

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by As.
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    • #16964 Reply

      Hi , please guide me witH my strongest house, my strongest houses are:

      Total Bhav IN rupas : sixth house = 10:09 =lord sun
      Total Bhav IN rupas : nineth house= 9.76 = lord mars
      Total Bhav IN rupas : 12th house= 9.60 = lord saturn
      Total Bhav IN rupas :2nd house= 9.45 = lord mars
      Total Bhav IN rupas :1th house= 8.67 = lord saturn

      what type of job is better for me ?

    • #16965 Reply

      Total Bhav IN rupas :11th house= 8.67 = lord saturn

    • #16968 Reply

      You must also calculate the residential strength of each planet and moderate the shad balas accordingly and rework out the bhava balas. And look at the planets influencing 10th house(Lord, placement and aspects) and the planet which has the maximum strength after moderation will give you a job of its nature in an associated period/sub period. Read my blog for more details.

    • #16973 Reply

      my 10th lord is jupiter and its own house
      its shadbala is 7 with Total Bhav IN rupas :10th house= 7.99

      saturn is lord of 11th and 12 house and exalted in 8th house
      saturn shad bala is 8.73
      Total Bhav IN rupas : 12th house= 9.60 = lord saturn
      Total Bhav IN rupas :11th house= 8.67 = lord saturn
      Total Bhav IN rupas :8th house= 5.31

      10th house and its lord aspect with saturn (I know saturn causes delay )


    • #16974 Reply

      sir my consideration is type of job is better for me , and with the potent of 12th house I think success in abroad is good.

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