Suffering from depression need help

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    • #41934 Reply


      Suffering from depression and loneliness as I do not have a job. Please let me know what to do:
      DOB: June 23, 1989
      Time: 10:44 a.m.
      Place: Coimbatore, TN


    • #41962 Reply

      Try to go Hyderabad or Mumbai or any other place some 1000 kms away from CBE. Perhaps you may have a change in luck.

    • #41971 Reply
      K.Umamaheswara rao

      YOur present condition shows that planets are against you.
      NO use of showing your horoscope to so many astrologers.
      You can reduce planetary evil by penance.
      You should not sit idly when you have no job.
      You can utilise this time to better your future life,
      by some positive actions.
      No use of seeing into horoscope for years and waiting for
      a better time.

      Methods of penance—
      1.Penance means observing fast for one day in a week.
      On the day of fast ,you can eat uncooked vegetables,for
      two months.
      After two months,you have to fast for one day in a week,
      by drinking diluted lemon juice with honey.You can drink
      lemon juice(diluted) with honey ,daily 10 or 12 times.
      Prime minister Modi was doing fast for the last 30 years,
      for two days continuously in every week.
      Likewise,Mahatma Gandhi’s greatness and popularity was
      attributed to his fasting for longer periods of 20days in every
      year,in addition to small fasts very frequently.
      Sri Morarji Desai became prime minister at the age of 84.
      HIs life history shows that he was also fasting frequently,
      for longer periods.

      2.Feed birds and animals.

      3.Do daily 10 rolling namaskars on floor.
      It is called Anga pradakshinams.
      Ask any senior priest of temple its meaning.
      4.Daily run 4miles in morning and 4mils in the evening.
      Avoid nonveg and alcohols.
      Eat 200 gms of uncooked vegetables daily.
      [email protected]

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