manglik girl can marry a non manglik boy

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    • #42479 Reply

      I m a manglik girl and i love a boy and he is not manglik.. I want to know can i marry him or not.. If yes then is there any problem in my lyf after marriage
      My dob is 15/12/1994
      Time 12:00 pm
      Place Narnaul (Haryana)
      His dob 22/04/1993
      Time 8:00pm
      Place Narnaul (Haryana)
      Sir plzz check the horoscope and tell me and help me sir….. Its being very neccessary for me to know

    • #42480 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      In the birth chart of boy Mars is placed in the tenth house from the lagna while in the Moon chart Mars is placed in fourth house from the Moon. Hence boy is not Mangalik from the Birth Chart but Chandra Mangalik from the Moon Chart.

      In the birth chart of girl Mars is placed in the seventh house from the lagna while in the Moon chart Mars is placed in fifth house from the Moon. Hence girl is Mangalik from the Birth Chart but not from the Moon Chart.

      Both charts have partial mangal dosha or also known as anshik mangalik. As both charts have partial mangal dosha they are compatible on this front.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #42481 Reply

      But sir in moon chart of boy.. Mars s placed in cancer rashi….and i thik here mars is exalted and manglik dosh is cancel because of this….. Is this ryt or not

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