For what activity to consider Aadaal Yog, Vidaal Yog & Baana in Panchang?

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    • #116995

      I am checking Daily Panchang at, and under Inauspicious Timings, there is entry for “Baana”, and more often than not, it is for most of the day or full day. Same for Aadaal Yog & Vidaal Yog.

      I searched on Internet and there is next to zero information about all these 3, that is, Baana, Aadaal Yog & Vidaal Yog.

      I want to know for what kind of activities should one consider these entries, and for what activities can they be ignored? I am ignoring Baana anyway because there will be next to zero good days if I start considering Baana.

    • #117000

      There are lot of rubbish written in many Panchangas which has no sense in astrology. There are so many wayside astrologers who know only the names of stars and very little of astrology.

    • #117009

      Does it mean I can ignore Aadaal Yog & Vidaal Yog for considering good activity? I have to do a real estate transaction and I need to find a good day for the same.

    • #117010

      Auspicious times are dependent of the favourable positions of  planets which changes from person to person and there are no favourable times for all. To know whether a time is auspicious or not, you should contact a well learned astrologer rather than checking which the Almanac.

    • #117021

      Ah, the corruption comes out. It is sad.

      Dainik Panchang is an integral part of Vedic Astrology and the traditional Hindu Calender system, yet you are telling me it is all humbug and to consult an astrologer to know favorable times. Am I supposed to consult an astrologer every day?!

      I asked an honest question in good faith on a website that have given me good answers in the past. Its sad how much corruption has crept in here.

    • #117030

      The corruption is in your brain. Dainik Panchang is only a calender which gives you date, time, star, thithi, Karana etc. and such other details pertaining to a day. To determine an auspicious time for anyone on anyday, it is foolish to consult the alamanac. For finding out the auspicious time, you should calculate the stength and nature of planets based on your horoscope and correspond it to the day in question which is a time consuming process. I am sending you a book on scientific evaluation of a horoscope which addresses all your questions regarding auspicious times.

    • #117032

      Obviously you have given a fake email Id and my mail to you has been returned undelivered.

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