Tagged: what career will i have
- This topic has 21 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
august 7,1991
bujumbura, burundi -
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterVenus in lagan will make you very creative. The person will be attractive, charming, have the great talent to do one thing in various ways. Will not be talented but multi talented and major knowledge the native will pickup by itself and watching others rather than only learning at the school. Media certainly suits you and you should go for it.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
Guestsaturn in the 6th house in its own sign give protection from long term diseases. What if it is retro?
Navneet Khanna
Keymaster6th house is not for long term diseases, it is the 8th house which is for chronic diseases. The period of Saturn should only give brief and small diseases during its period. The 6th house is also for enemies and strong Saturn in the 6th house will give the native the ability to handle his/her enemies very tactfully. 7th house lord Saturn is strong in the 6th house, not good for marriage as it is the house for legal problems. When a person has strong 6th house chances are that god forbid if the marriage goes to the courts , the native with strong 6th house ends up winning the legal case in its favour. Don’t tell your life partner/husband ever about this thing in your horoscope.
Regarding retro the Saturn will get stronger results when it get retro in the transit or Gochar.
God Bless,
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
Guestsaturn aspects 8th house and jupiter 8th house lord is exalted. What does it mean for disease?
Guest -
GuestDear Sir
Can you please predict the nature of my future husband? also do i have a possibility of a good career?
time- 2:00 a.m
place- mumbai -
GuestWhat is causing my intestinal problems rahu? since saturn is protecting me…
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterSaturn in the 6th house can give your health problems but the problems will not be chronic , it will be temporary nature only. Also presently Saturn is cojoined with Rahu in the transit / gochar and 6th house is for intestines, i feel that could be the reason for this problem. Doing the Saturn and rahu mantra should help.
God Bless,
Navneet Khanna
astrologer -
GuestThis intestinal problem is only temporary? my saturn dasha is next and i heard that since my saturn is paced good it help me with my health and enemies.
also,In my d10 chart i have virgo asc. with sun and moon in the 1st house… Will that hurt me I thought it means fame in foreign lands? Rahu in leo in 12th house…10th house is in gemini that says more on media right?if you want to see my d10 chart:
sorry for asking alot of questions astrology is very interesting 🙂 -
Ramachandran T M Nambissan
GuestYes you will be very rich and famous too since your 2nd house and 11th houses are extremely potent.
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterSaturn in 6th is actually not bad because it will give you the tact and the ability to tackle your enemies very well. You will be prudent when it comes to taking loans and not over-exceed your limit. Saturn is the lord of the 6th and 7th house respectively and 7th house is the house of spouse and 6th is the house of legal issues. Relationship problems can be there in your horoscope , but be careful on that front. Certainly gains in foreign land are much indicated in your horoscope. Media lines suits you very well as told earlier. Dashamsha D10 lagan is Virgo and two royal planets placed there Sun and Moon. Your mind and your soul are in this , just focus on your work and surely you will see success ahead in your work. I see you have good knowledge of Vedic astrology, i’m impressed. I had to remove the link you posted as it did not work.
God Bless,
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
GuestHaha, I try. Thanks so much 🙂
When do you think is the right time to start a company? will I get children?
THanks so much for your help!
Guestsorry final questions:
Is there raj yogas forming in navamsa? using jamini astrology…do i hve more in my birth chart or navamsa?
DO i have any in my d10 chart?
THanks! -
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterI’m basically a student of Prashiri school of vedic Astrology and not very sure of Jamini astrology. Although the basis of both are the Vedas, some differences will always be there. You can enlighten me on some yoga you see in your chart, as I know you have a good grasp of your horoscope and also of Vedic astrology. You have you not joined me on facebook as yet.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
Guesthaha thanks I really don’t know much i just started. I learned most of it from youtube : krschannel
raj yogas haha still learning
I deleted my facebook a couple weeks ago because I don’t use anymore…Using jamini astrology you can find the career ….
looking at the amatya karaka (2nd highest degree not including rahu or ketu)
and the sign it is on navmsa and use it as an ascendant.
For example my amatya karaka is sun and in navmsa is in capricorn.
now turn the chart using capricorn my ascendant.
sun:7th house
moon 6th house
mercury: 8th house
venus:8th house
mars 8th house
jupiter 7th house
saturn: 1st househe said use that chart to figure out the career.
Guestis there any way i can figure out if the timeing is right? I think i am more magha nakshatra pada 2 than pada 1.
ModeratorThanks for your review.
Navneet Khanna
KeymasterLooking at your career in your horoscope 10th lord Venus is in the first house making you a very career focused person. Venus is cojoined with Mercury the planet for intelligence and Mars which is a lord of the 9th house of fortune and also a yogakarka (Raj Yoga) planet in your horoscope. There is no doubt that your career is good, however you are in the main period of Jupiter which is combust as it is close to the SUN. The period till July 2015 is mixed with good period as well as bad in terms of career. Some improvement will be felt after August 2014 it self. General expenses will be high as Jupiter is positioned in the 12th house. Thereafter things look much better. The conjunction of Venus and Mercury in first house speaks about your creative ability and your talents. Certainly your work will make you popular in your field. You should be focused towards your goals and see better period ahead.
Navneet Khanna
Astrologer -
GuestLooking at d10 what career do you think is good for me?
I love to go to film or media.
I have magha nakshatra it is good right? -
GuestExcellent post.
One thing I have noticed about certain sites is that, even though they have tons of content, the site looks great and the headlines are eye catching is that the material is simply filler. It’s downright unreadable. You can forget it 6 seconds after you read it. Not the case with your post though, really enjoyed it reading it and it held my attention all the way through! Keep it up.