Marriage Top Urgent

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    • #25952

      Hello Guruji,

      I asked a question and still haven’t received any reply. Can you please tell me if there are any troubles in my marriage as my family is planning to get me married this month. I am already close to some other girl and can’t leave her. Can you please tell me if this arranged marriage of mine will happen. If so how will my married life be and I want to continue my relationship with the girl whom I like. So can I ? And how many kids will I have (how many boys and how many girls). Below are my details :

      DOB : 21 Aug 1983
      Time : 6:40 am
      Place : Bihar UP

      Thank you

    • #25985
      Navneet Khanna

      It always takes both horoscopes to check Horoscope matching. However from your horoscope, we can say that possibility of arrange marriage is more then love marriage.


      Navneet Khanna

    • #26099

      Thanks Sir.
      Can you please also tell me how will be my married life and how long will I live

    • #26120

      Can someone please reply. Thank you

    • #26122

      I had answered your question once sometime before as follows:

      “While you have a very powerful personality, Career and Gains and will have a fat bank balance, your 4th, 6th and 7th houses are very weak which will bring you quite a lot of unhappiness in family life, serious physical ailments and a miserable married life. Your current proposed actions are paving the way for all this to happen and you are very much on the way to justifying your horoscope. Beware.”

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