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    If you really want an answer, send her date and time of birth details and a brief profile of her. We will try to answer your question. But to look at your horoscope and predict about your sister’s career, I wonder who has told you that Astrology can do it so. Obviously you are thoroughly misguided on your information. At this rate you might ask us to predict Obama’s future looking at your horoscope.

    Read my blog on in the chronological order to get an understanding of what Astrology can do and what cannot be done.

    in reply to: When Will I Get Married, Is There Divorce In My Kundali? #2237

    Looks like there is some truth in what he says. You should have got married before October 2013. Did you have a touch and go case last year?

    You have what is generally known as Kuja dosha and Venus placed in the 7th house and Jupiter in 5th house. These are all contraindications for a successful married life. However when I analyse scientifically your chart, your marital bliss is good with a strength of 51.58% and this should certainly give marriage.

    Do write to me why you think that your marriage did not take place so far. However it is compulsory that before marriage your horoscope should be matched with the prospective groom and be satisfied that it matches excellently well. You can contact me at [email protected] with details.
    Do read my articles on and on this site.

    Best of luck.

    in reply to: Rahu Antardasha in Rahu Mahadasha #2235

    I think you are mis-associating Rahu with all your problems. Your Rahu is quite powerful in your horoscope. But Mars and Moon are malefics and it is their influences which could be giving you the problem which can happen anytime since all the planets work in tandem always in one’s life. You read my articles on to understand the concept of Dasas and antardasas.

    Your 4th and 5th houses are particularly weak in the horoscopes as given below and these could be the ones which are giving you tension and discomforting finances.

    House Description Strength% Self Analysis
    1 Personality, Individuality, Head 55.80
    2 Wealth, assets, family, speech, Face 61.27
    3 Co-borns, confidants, courage, Hands and Shoulders 50.40
    4 Happiness, comforts, pleasures, Heart & Lungs 39.67
    5 Children, intelligence, mind, Upper Abdomen 42.40
    6 Debts, Diseases, Enemies, Lower Abdomen 54.80
    7 Marital Happiness, Small Intestine, Liver 66.80
    8 Longevity, Distresses, Colon, Kidneys, Genitals 61.80
    9 Luck ,Fortune, Thighs 53.80
    10 Career, Profession, Job Satisfaction, Knees 49.13
    11 Gains, Returns from Career, Calf and ankles 48.93
    12 Wasteful Expenditure, Losses, Feet 55.73

    Net strength 53.91
    Higher strength for positive significations makes it more potent
    Higher strength for negative significations negate the negatives (Debts, Diseases, Enemies, Losses etc.)

    Less than 35% – Failed, failure becoming more and more as it goes down
    35 to 40 – Passed
    41 to 45 – Above average
    46 to 50 – Third Class
    51 to 60 – Second Class
    61 to 70 – First Class
    71 to 80 – Distinction
    81 to 90 – Excellent
    Greater than 90 – Outstanding

    Regarding remedies read my article on Remedies in Astrology.

    in reply to: Rahu Antardasha in Rahu Mahadasha #2232

    You have already computed your birth chart with full details. You know what Dasa is going on and what anthardasa is going on. If you can do all these, you could easily find the effects of that too. Do you want us to verify whether your computations are correct or not?

    in reply to: capricorn sun an moon conjuct in 10th house navamsa #2220

    Those people born with Sun in conjunction to the Moon have a “double dose” of the same sign. That sign assumes more importance than usual. Because the wants (Sun) and the needs (Moon) are aligned, these people have marked singleness of purpose. Generally, they come across as rather uncomplicated in terms of what they want out of life and their means of getting to that place. They are able to make decisions without too much struggle, simply because it is not their tendency to spread themselves around in order to find all of their options. Some people with this aspect are self-centered, but this is not always the case. Subjective, yes. Decisive, yes. Focused, yes. But ignorant of others’ needs? Not likely. They might seem that way at times, especially when they’ve made a decision with such lightning speed that those around them can’t possibly imagine they’ve included anyone else’s needs in the equation! They might also seem that way when they offer advice that seems so very cut and dry. The truth is, they don’t usually struggle with options, and they tend to have their finger on the pulse of exactly what they need, want, and are willing to do. But these people are very much in touch with their need for others, or at least a significant other. They are sensitive creatures, especially the men. They live and breathe the Sun and the Moon in tandem, so the drive to find a partner is powerful.

    Sun conjunct Moon people are creatures of habit. They are attached to the past and to their heritage. Yet they are also emotionally impulsive, as their actions express their emotional wants. They possess admirable vitality, and they don’t have much patience for people who go through a lot of physical and emotional ups and downs. Sun conjunct Moon people are highly intuitive. They are in touch with the moment, and they can actually “read” people and situations quite readily.

    For more answers on this topic, you will have to come through Paid Services or email me at [email protected]

    in reply to: capricorn sun an moon conjuct in 10th house navamsa #2218

    Have a look at the strength of your horoscope :

    House Description Strength% Self Analysis
    1 Personality, Individuality, Head 58.06
    2 Wealth, assets, family, speech, Face 103.70
    3 Co-borns, confidants, courage, Hands and Shoulders 62.98
    4 Happiness, comforts, pleasures, Heart & Lungs 71.05
    5 Children, intelligence, mind, Upper Abdomen 89.23
    6 Debts, Diseases, Enemies, Lower Abdomen 58.25
    7 Marital Happiness, Small Intestine, Liver 68.08
    8 Longevity, Distresses, Colon, Kidneys, Genitals 89.41
    9 Luck ,Fortune, Thighs 73.74
    10 Career, Profession, Job Satisfaction, Knees 69.01
    11 Gains, Returns from Career, Calf and ankles 105.09
    12 Wasteful Expenditure, Losses, Feet 61.59

    Net strength 77.54

    Higher strength for positive significations makes it more potent
    Higher strength for negative significations negate the negatives (Debts, Diseases, Enemies, Losses etc.)

    Less than 35% – Failed, failure becoming more and more as it goes down
    35 to 40 – Passed
    41 to 45 – Above average
    46 to 50 – Third Class
    51 to 60 – Second Class
    61 to 70 – First Class
    71 to 80 – Distinction
    81 to 90 – Excellent
    Greater than 90 – Outstanding

    in reply to: capricorn sun an moon conjuct in 10th house navamsa #2217

    Navamsa provides only a tool for analysing a horoscope. There is no question of independently analysing a navamsa chart since it is only a divisional chart and is only a derivative of the birth chart.

    You should ask your question straight? We have other proved means of analysing a horoscope.

    in reply to: Which Gemstone is lucky for me #2215

    Wearing gemstones as astrological remedies is not proved scientifically and their effect on human life is just a media creation to promote their business interests. And where can you get genuine gemstones and most available in the market are fake ones and even if you are able to lay hands on a genuine one, buying that will only add to your financial ill luck.

    Read my articles on my blog to get some insight into the usage of Astrology in daily life.

    Your 2nd house which indications wealth and assets etc. is having a feeble strength of 25.27% and your house of gains from other sources including career/profession has a strength of only 21.95%. The net strength of your horoscope is only 28.29% and that will be the success factor of your life. No wonder you have financial problems and wearing any gem or gems for this purpose will be a further waste of money. You should take the help of God by reciting mantras of your choice and praying to Him with dedication. Narayanakavacha recitation daily 3 times in the morning and evening could help you in this regard.

    Perhaps you will think that I do not know Astrology since most advocate all sorts of remedies to ease your problems by spending more money for this purpose. You cannot buy Luck or Happiness or Health by spending money. God has to give it to you and for that you have to surrender at his feet with full dedication and earnest to help you out.

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