Yogas Bringing Wealth and Riches in a Horoscope

Yogas Bringing Wealth and Riches in a Horoscope

As you sow, so shall you reap.  This fundamental of Vedic astrology bases the individual’s present on his past.  Astrological birth charts are indicators of the present but also carry possible remedies. Remedies are not good luck charms – rather  symbols to focus intention to attain prosperity.  Placing three garnets on your desk energises business; placing a money stone in your purse will increase your intent.

These can be combined with  Sri Yanta: 9 interlocking triangles surrounding the central Bindu,  a union of  female embodiment of Shakti and Masculine Shiva. There are various other symbols too, including Saligram etc.

Astrological signs in the natal charts indicate wealth too — whether it falls into the lap or is won through logic, action and will power.

Wealth is denoted in 2nd and 11th houses of a horoscope.  It walks in when the 2nd lord is in tandem with that of the 5th and 9th houses.   So gem stones for the5th and 9th house as well as 2nd and 11th house increase wealth.

The position of Jupiter, Venus and Mercury indicate  general financial well-being of the horoscope. When the 7th and 8th houses are positive, finances improve after marriage. Jupiter in the 8th means inheritance, its absence is negative.

In Vedic-astrology a Raj-yog means the lord of the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th in the 5th or 9th House or vice versa.  Trading and business affluence is indicated by the Sun in a positive sign with the 2nd and 6th cusps and an auspicious Mars.  An individual with such a combination has the luxury of insisting that being born poor is luck, but dying poor is your fault!

Other lucky combines for wealth can include:

  • A Virgo with Rahu, Venus and Mars. Some astrologers also need a Saturn here
  • Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury in their own signs for long life and riches
  • Sun with Moon and Jupiter in favourable positions in the Navamsa
  • Early wealth comes with the lord of the 2nd and 10th houses accompanied by the lord of the lagna in the Kendra of the lord of the Navamsa
  • The lord of house of marriage in the 2nd house, the lord of the 2nd house in the 11th and the lord of the 11th in the lagna.

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