Second Marriage Predictions

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    • #47317 Reply

      A girl DOB 07 Sep 1975 TOB 10.30 am Rohtak, Haryana, India.

      Got married to extremely abusive husband and had to leave his home fearing for her life with two children.

      Moved to US after marriage and still there.

      Fighting ugly court cases with her husband who returned to India, and maliciously trying to block divorce and other cases for resolution. Got divorced just yesterday on 03/May/2018.

      She is working in a large corporation on a high posting.

      She fears remaining alone in her old age and hence looking for a remarriage.

      Ju Mahadasha going on with Ju, Ve both retrograde. Manglik dosha exists.

      She is currently very serious about a boy who lives in Singapore.

      He himself is undergoing a Divorce Case with his wife.

      Details for Boy
      DOB 19/Aug/1983
      TOB 20.17
      Place Patna Bihar, India

      Boy is up for Rahu Mahadasha within a couple of months.

      Can you guide, If this relationship can last for life So that the Girl do not have to face embarrassment again at this stage of life.


    • #47324 Reply
      K.Umamaheswara rao

      Her lagna is Tula(Libra))
      Second house contains Rahu.Very bad for family life.
      Guru in seventh house..Guru is very bad for Tula lagna
      people.Guru is not allowing them married,if placed in
      seventh house for Tula lagna.
      Tenth house contains Sani..Very good.
      Sani is yoga karaka for Tula lagna.
      Sani is seeing seventh house.
      As Sani is yoga karaka,it will help in second marriage
      with good alliance.
      Sukra is good in 11th house..It will also help
      second marriage..
      Some astrologers say that second marriage has to be seen
      from 11th house and not from seventh house.

      Retrogression is not the cause of failure of first marriage.
      Guru is very bad for Tula lagna people.

      So,second marriage is possible due to Sani.
      But she has to do penance for one year for
      reducing the negativity of horoscope,
      for getting married second time and for
      happy married life after second marriage.

      In another few days,she will get Sukra Antardasa
      in Guru Mahadasa.It is good for second marriage.

      Methods of penance—
      1.Penance means observing fast for one day in a week.
      On the day of fast ,you can eat uncooked vegetables,for
      two months.
      After two months,you have to fast for one day in a week,
      by drinking diluted lemon juice with honey.You can drink
      lemon juice(diluted) with honey ,daily 10 or 12 times.
      Prime minister Modi was doing fast for the last 30 years,
      for two days continuously in every week.
      Likewise,Mahatma Gandhi’s greatness and popularity was
      attributed to his fasting for longer periods of 20days in every
      year,in addition to small fasts very frequently.
      Sri Morarji Desai became prime minister at the age of 84.
      HIs life history shows that he was also fasting frequently,
      for longer periods.

      2.Second remedy-colour ray method(instead of gemstones)
      In paper shops,celliphone paper sheets are sold at the
      price of rs10 for one sheet.Purchase a yellow sheet of
      celliphone paper.You make it 4 pieces,each measuring
      6inches x 4inches.
      Then you place one piece of yellow sheet(6inches x 4 inches)
      on your face at a distance of one inch from your face,for
      3mins.You have to close your eyes and stand before sun
      after 10am ,when the sun is bright.
      Sun rays will pass through yellow paper and enter your face.
      This is divine light which reduces planetary evils.
      You can keep yellow paper for 3 days and give a break
      for 3 days.Again you can apply yellow light for 3 days.
      Like this ,you can continue for 3months.

      3.Feed birds and animals.

      4.Do daily 10 rolling namaskars on floor.
      It is called Anga pradakshinams.
      Ask any senior priest of temple its meaning.

      5.Whenever there is rain,you can sit in rain for
      3 or 5 mins.

      [email protected]

    • #47374 Reply
      Navneet Khanna

      She should do proper matching of the horoscopes before marriage to have a blissful and happy marital life. Many times there are doshas in the horoscope which refrain marital happiness. It is best to do puja of these doshas before marriage. As what you are asking requires a detailed analysis of both chart, it is best to look at the Paid analysis for a detailed compatibility.


      Navneet Khanna

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